Dave Byrnes' Adventures

Via Alpina - 2012
Overview     Planned Schedule     Map     Diary     Pictures
Day: 022

Sunday, 3 June 2012





Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Low cloud with periodic rain and drizzle


Hotel Widerhold, Singen


Bread rolls and jam for breakfast; muesli bars and biscuits for lunch; All You Can Eat Chinese buffet for dinner.


None really

Pictures: Here
GPS Track: Here

The weather looked ominous when I got up at 7:30am and by the time I left after breakfast at 8:45am, it was raining lightly but steadily underneath a very low cloud cover.  The higher crags around were covered in mist and it looked set to be a dreary Sunday.  Looking at the map, the route that the Querweg was taking to Singen was anything but the shortest.  In fact, some of the signage gave the option of following Querweg to Singen (20.0km) or taking the "Direkt Weg" (12.0km).  However, having made the decision to have a short day to Singen, which looks to be a large town, there wasn't much point in getting there before early afternoon when I would have some hope of checking into accommodation.  The indirect route was an attempt to link up all of the high points between Welschingen and Singen, and I was somewhat sceptical about the chances of getting any good views given the weather.

It was quiet, save for the occasional peal of church bells from one village or another and the patter of raindrops on the bright green leaves in the forests.  The first crag, Hohenstoffeln, didn't yield any views, though I didn't take the out-and-back side-trail to the summit (844m), given it was already foggy where I was.  The trail then crossed a rural valley and took a number of field paths which had me questioning my decision not to take the "Direkt Weg".  The grass and nettles were sopping wet and the trail was overgrown by German standards (but still a six-lane freeway by Australian Alps Walking Track standards!).  It didn't look like too many people walked this way and my boots and shorts were becoming sopping wet.

However, having reached a ridge, I began to think there was value in the detour.  There were several basalt crags to the south, each with the ruins of an old castle just visible through the low cloud cover.  The trail then followed the ridge east and then south passing close to each crag and castle.  You had to admire the ingenuity, skill and hard work that must have built these castles in the almost unassailable locations.  I wondered whether they were all operational at the same time and represented small fiefdoms, or whether they each had their day in the sun.  One small highlight was encountering, at a point where a narrow country road crossed the ridge, a guy out for his long Sunday run.  It was perfect weather for a long Sunday run, and I was a little bit envious.

The last castle overlooked the very large town of Singen and seemed the most accessible with a restaurant and museum half-way up, and what looked like a good trail to the top.  However, I didn't feel like making the climb (at any of the castles I passed), but could appreciate and see a lot of the artisanry from where I was.

On the way into Singen the path passed by the Hotel Widerhold and, after checking with my iPhone that there seemed to be wi-fi, I checked in soon after 2:30pm via the adjoining Chinese restaurant.  After a shower and washing some stuff out, I read my email while watching Austrian TV coverage of the Queen's flotilla on the Thames.  I then wandered into, and around, the city centre for an hour and got some cash and bought a few goodies at the large railway station.  German shops do not open between lunchtime on Saturday and Monday morning, so you have to plan accordingly.

On return to the hotel I discovered that the Chinese restaurant had an All You Can Eat menu that wasn't too expensive so I ate there before retiring to my room to catch up on correspondence, diary and other stuff with French Open highlights on TV in the background.



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